Imperfection Concepts like art and life have to be mixed with one another because there is no reason for maintaining a separation between human activity and the human. Art is life (creative energy sexual), who said that? The most interesting art is that is about life, which unravels different experiences, details, curiosities, points of view.

When it comes to life, it is necessary to reject the idea of a perfectionism that can be reached (in response to expectations of this sort, the only art that we can think of is that of film). The nature of error is the essence of being Human The stumbling block that we've every one of us at one point or another: superficial judgement, impulsiveness, fear, anger, the incessant search for security and control, wrong choices. Don't you dare say you've not made any of these errors?

Open: new perspective from which to see If we fall, we injure our bodies more or less and tend to look at the fall as a mistake, or to make that the error was a mistake because our expectations set of ourselves and other people. The wound is actually the point where we can are able to see the truth. It is from here that we can no longer rely on the idea of perfection (which if it were such shouldn't be hurting) and examine the things that are damaged: we examine the wound and examine ourselves.

Fontana cut her hair with the consciousness that breaking and opening is and tearing as destruction is often the strongest artistic act, all the more so in a culture that, since a very early age, we are immersed in a deeply ingrained system of beliefs and models. It's no accident that Fontana stated in 1963 in an interview Nerio Minuzzo that:

„The critiques always criticized me, however, I never thought about it. I went on regardless and I didn't take the salute of anyone. In the past, they called me „the one with the holes' with a bit of pity. However, today I can see that my cuts and holes have earned me a reputation and are widely accepted. They even find practical applications. In theatres and bars, they create ceilings using holes. Since, today the public on the street understand the new designs. It's the artists, unfortunately, who understand little '.

When Fontana speaks of the street, he is evoking the image of imperfection where the hole is a shape similar to any other, where the transformation of life takes place. He is not afraid of the dirt, nor the violence of creative expression He throws tar onto an artifact made of plaster of a human figure and calls the piece 'Black Man'.

A few years later, the cut transforms into the conquer of space, as a triumph of sculpture and painting through a new form of space which combines them: a break from verticality to create an open passageway.

The inhalation and exhaling from the canvas, is , from afar, reminiscent in a more intellectual and bourgeois version, of the work that Gina Pane would later perform on her skin: the gesture remains the eternal protagonist in that context where the art will eventually be destroyed. The wound and the cut are border, path and exchange. The artist breaks the canvas by splitting it in two and proclaims the canvas's finiteness. the holes become black holes that provide the illusion of depth and reveal the vastness that we never be able to comprehend.

We are waiting for new discoveries that we haven't discovered yet Fontana named the cuts „Waits,“ which are the openings from which new and different things arise that we do not yet know.

When we commit mistakes, and hurt or injure the other injuring or hurting another, we need to wait for a period of time before we can react. First the shock of the error and the failure over, then deciding on the path to take to compensate or to get it out of the way; then we wait for the consequences of that fracture or error, which could be a brand amazing and new source. But it's not.

Many people do not understand (and understand) this philosophy , as they are constantly assessing the way that human beings and reality ought to be, and how they should be compared to the two-dimensional nature that is the nature of canvas. We keep fighting with all our might the right methods, the correct method of presenting and being in the world, so so that we resort to rules that eventually define Normativity.

There is nothing more absurd than this. We are convinced that we know everything and everything, we apply our standard to every other organism and ecosystem around the globe, but in reality we view it from a narrow and biased viewpoint which has nothing to do with reality: Anthropocentrism, but also individual interpretations of the other that are almost never the correct ones.

Accept: there is no absolute perfection. This is also true for the society that demands us to be the best at all cost, but without reflecting on the fact that perhaps, rather than increasing standards, we need to accept more of what is, just in the present. Do we accept pain? Do we accept death? Do we accept the bodies of others? Do we accept diversity? And, most importantly, once we accept, do you respect our differences?

Most of the time is it that we are able to hide those things that don't fit with the „perfect“ of our very own planet or the universe. It makes us horrified, angry, and irritated to be swept away, ignored, or swept under the carpet and we then show the very imperfection that we are in reality, yet refuse to accept.

Being aware of one's limits is crucial and so is understanding the interconnectedness of everything in the global system. Either we are ALL placed in a position to do our best or there is no incentive or competition worth the effort, except for the goal of creating inequality. It's great and good to know that some after much effort have made it, as have the ones who are lucky. However, in a larger context, always stretching the boundaries a little further it's a perfect' in an impermanent' context; no 'Perfection' in the absolutist sense.

Could this ever exist?

Cut Let the truth come out We can conclude that Fontana tried, because from the beginning, he rejected the easy ways to be successful, opting instead to try out the untested and unpredictability, which is to say: abandoning the idea of being the only one and following the path of research that led him to unravel some truths.

In my personal perspective, Fontana is the one who rips the veil and lets the light shine through, even if the black sails are obscured in the background. An artist of spatial art in the same way as one of the pioneers of this art, it is not understood just as a piece of work, but also as a gesture a gesture, around and as a consequence of action on space, performance as the expression of a narrative, and this is the way it is practiced in the present.

To me, his cuts are a great example of this, opening up new perspectives for art, new points of view on the world , and new questions. The wound for this, is more than pain: the wound reveals mortality, brevity, uncertainty and fragility. A wound can make us think as well as make us doubt the way we think, and this is vital to stay grounded. As difficult as it is to endure and as hard as it is in a perfect tale of life, it would be great (and right) to learn only by positive reinforcements. As long as we as a society are unwilling to avoid one another's pain as than our own, we are condemned to the unresolved and insanity.

Let us take pleasure in the cinema and the happy endings it brings, its beauty that we take for granted , and that we misunderstand and take as a model of life, because the visual arts however are the product of suffering. Every artist, in order to tell a piece of truth, had to go through the pain.