Tighten the leash:Dog house owners are inclined to toss their canine away from one other animal during an introduction if they are uncertain of their canine's response. Overprotecting the canine: Especially within the case of small dogs, homeowners are sometimes afraid that another animal could harm their dog, in order that they pick it up or abruptly separate it from the opposite canine to prevent this from happening. Many individuals do not realize that tension within the leash can start a struggle between two leashed canines as a result of it does not enable them to maneuver freely and interferes with their communication. Some owners choose to use a collar for leash training. If one of the dogs is wearing a punishment collar or other uncomfortable restraint, resembling a muzzle hook, the scenario is made worse. To satisfy different dogs, you can bring them to a canine park, dog daycare, or to a friend’s house that has canine. A new puppy within the home can kill another dog if the puppy is just not properly socialized or if the other canine is not correctly introduced to the pet. Getting in all of those experiences when they're still a small, impressionable puppy is vital and can undoubtedly lead to an elevated success price when introducing your puppy to other canine. The sudden intrusion of an unfamiliar dog into an space the dog considers its personal can lead to conflict, especially if the 2 dogs already know each other and have had a strained relationship previously. For many, this is an easy course of because they're always around others and the pet turns into robotically accustomed to strange canines and folks being round. Socialization with other canine goes to be a unique process than socialization with different individuals. Once the dogs have met and sniffed one another, it is best to take them for a stroll to allow them to get to know one another better and calm down. Hit a new park or path, go to a new dog-friendly shop or take your regular stroll in a brand new neighbourhood. Walking your canine off-leash: In case you walk your dog off-leash, ensure you do so in an space where different off-leash canines will not be allowed. If they are sheltered too lengthy, they start to forget what it’s like to meet new canines and they can develop into aggressive and nervous when assembly dogs. Begin to introduce your puppy to other canines at a younger age. Expose them to as many dogs as possible, and they'll begin to turn out to be comfy with increasingly more conditions. Through this process, they turn into accustomed to a wide variety of situations and types of individuals. Teaching your puppy to socialize with people and different animals is one in every of an important steps to proudly owning and raising a pet. What are some simple steps you possibly can take to make coaching easier, and your canine happier? Our actions, movements and phrases can cause canine to battle without us realizing it. Listed here are some of a very powerful factors to think about and pay attention to when you are attempting to start the process of introducing your puppy to different dogs.